About Us

Rachel and Ross Goodspeed at Goodspeeds R&R Farm

Ross and Rachel are two Air Force veterans who decided to grow roots in Ohio ... literally.

After meeting while stationed together and marrying at the close of their active-duty careers, Ross and Rachel traveled the world before settling in Ohio. Seven years in, they purchased and re-imagined a former alpaca farm to share the farm experience with family, friends and anyone who “always wanted to buy a small farm” or get away for a little R&R.

Ross grew up in a small town in Northern Minnesota and comes from a long line of military servicemembers. After more than 20 years in the Air Force, he traded in his uniform for a suit and tie, and continues his service to our country as an Air Force civil servant. In his spare time, he enjoys riding his dual-sport motorcycle, annually coordinating scenic road trips across the country with fellow two- and three-wheeled enthusiasts.

Rachel, also from a family with a military tradition, is a former “military brat” who grew up around the world. After her Air Force service, she traded her combat boots for stilettos and continued her work in public affairs and community relations, now running her own business as a business strategy and social responsibility consultant. When she’s not riding her horses or working on the farm’s landscaping, she’s training for her next marathon, triathlon or mud race.

Photography by Patience & Thyme Photography

  • Our Kids

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  • The Horses

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    Chief Experience Officers

  • Scout the Dog

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    Chief Security Officer

  • Luna the Cat

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    Chief of Staff